
Being a wife does not come naturally for me; my first instinct is to run as fast as I can in the other direction. Being a mother does not come so naturally either. Perhaps this is why I am publishing my story: to process and learn from my error, as well as share the beauty of this imperfect family as we continually work to transform our weakness into strength and love. In my journey to create a blog I care deeply about, I have realized that it is time to honestly publish my trials as a Christian, and a mental health therapist managing a complex PTSD diagnosis. This blog is not to share my past, but to share my healing.

I pray you both enjoy my story and draw knowledge from my life, as I so openly share my healing. If you too live with PTSD, or have another mental illness, I pray this blog would encourage you to be honest with others. My goal in this blog is to diffuse the shame people often carry with mental illness, and provide comfort for those with mental illness so they know that they are not alone.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or would like to share your story.

21 thoughts on “About

  1. I am so grateful that The Lord laid this on your heart!!! You have no idea how many people will be ministered to and may seek the help that shame makes them stay in bondage. I will pray as He has healed/healing you that He will use this to heal others as well. Love you friend! 🙂


  2. And I have nominated here my dear! http://avictimsjournal.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/brave-heart-award/

    Stand Strong You Are Not Alone
    I call you a survivor, because that is what you are. There are days when you don’t feel like a survivor and there are days when the memories trigger your past and it feels like you are loosing the fight – but you are not. Take the past and heal with it. You are strong. I want you to know that the abuse was not your fault. It does not matter what age it happened. You did not deserve it, you did not cause it, and you did not bring it on yourself. You own no shame, guilt, or remorse. In your life, you have faced many demons but look around you and you will see there is hope, and there is beauty. You are beautiful, You are loved, there is hope. You deserve to be loved and treated with respect. You deserve peace and joy in your life. Don’t settle for anything less than that. God has plans for you. Your future does not have to be dictated by your past.
    Each step you take you are not alone.
    Stand Strong.

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